
Saturday 2 January 2016



Athens is the ideal starting point from where one can get to know favourite spots. Archaeological treasures, small towns and villages, islands dotting clear-blue waters: the palette of choices is never-ending. Using excellent overland connections and frequent sea passages, the travellers can experience the wealth of Greece that unfurls around Athens. They may have their fill of trips, experiences, aromas, flavours, all day long. And if they so wish, they can be back in Athens by early evening to spend another enjoyable night in the metropolis.
Athens is privileged to be situated just a stone’s throw from island paradises that are Greece’s trademark. The travellers have countless options for a one-day trip, a weekend or for a longer tour.
And there are always new places to discover, new things to see. Ideal places to combine touring with the beauty of their surroundings. Hidden beaches, bicycle rides, pine-clad hills, archaeological treasures, traditional products and shops, nightlife, each island is a world of its own.

Around Athens the other Greece opens up. So close, yet so different from the modern capital. Short trips by car, on the bus or the suburban railway, promise unexpected discoveries and excitement.
A trip to Acrocorinth provides a first acquaintance of the Peneponnese and its history. The beauties of Peloponnese are enticingly close to Athens. Mycenae, Argos, Tyrinth and Nafplio can all be combined in a one-day trip. Epidaurus with its impressive theatre, Troezen with the prehistoric cave, Fragthi, all these mythical destinations are two hours at the most from the capital.

To the north of Athens lies Central Greece. The city-state of Delphi. Hidden archaeological treasures, such as Mycenaean Tolophon, ancient Amfissa, ancient Kirra in the Bay of Itea on the Corinthian Gulf, all await discovery by the traveller. The routes are exquisite, passing through magnificent forests and incomparable villages. Authentic Greece, with living tradition and a variety of flavours that promises to satisfy even the most demanding traveller.
Athens is at the heart of this magic!

Greek islands:
The islands are the main characteristic of Greece’s morphology and an integral part of the country’s culture and tradition.
Many of these Greek beaches have been awarded the blue flag under the Blue Flags of Europe Program, providing not only swimming, but also scuba diving, snorkeling, water skiing, sailing and windsurfing.


The dazzling Cyclades Islands lie very close to Athens. Linked to Piraeus by a large number of ferries, as well as with services between them, they are a must for anyone wishing to get to know Greece. In particular the fact that frequent services link each island makes island-hopping very attractive, even within the same day., Mykonos, Santorini need no introduction. The same goes for Sifnos, and the entire circle of the Cyclades. Here, between the thirty-sixth and the thirty-eighth parallel north, in the centre of the Aegean Archipelago, a magical circle of islands captivates the hearts of all.
A group of 56 islands and we visited:  Mykonos, Santorini and Sifnos,


Greece's most famous cosmopolitan island, a whitewashed paradise in the heart of the Cyclades. Whether you are an entertainment junkie out for a real good time, or a visitor who wishes to explore the island’s history and tradition, Mykonos will certainly meet your expectations.

Crescent-shaped Santorini (or Thíra), the precious gem of the Aegean, is actually a group of islands consisting of Thíra, Thirassiá, Asproníssi, Palea and Nea Kaméni in the southernmost part of Cyclades.
The whole complex of Santorini islands is still an active volcano and probably the only volcano in the world whose crater is in the sea. The islands that form Santorini came into existence as a result of intensive volcanic activity; twelve huge eruptions occurred, one every 20,000 years approximately, and each violent eruption caused the collapse of the volcano’s central part creating a large crater (caldera). The volcano, however, managed to recreate itself over and over again. The whole island is actually a huge natural geological/volcanological museum where you can observe a wide range of geological structures and forms!

Santorini is considered to be the most sought after place for a romantic getaway in Greece, since there are not many places in the world where you can enjoy exquisitely clear waters while perched on the rim of a massive active volcano in the middle of the sea!


We rented a very nice house there for 2 weeks.
Sifnos, the island of flavours, is the birthplace of famous poets, like Ioannis Gryparis, Kleanthis Triantafyllou (or Rampagas) and Aristomenis Provelegios, as well as award winning chefs, like Tselementés. Unique traditional villages, organized or secluded beaches, and 227 churches spread around the island are waiting to be discovered.

Whether cosmopolitan or secluded, all the beaches in Sífnos offer to the sun-loving tourists azure waters and sun-drenched sandy beaches. Kamáres, the port of the island, is a sandy beach with trees and beach bars; Platís Yialós is the most cosmopolitan and buzzing beach in the island, whereas next to it lays Vathí, a sandy beach with shallow waters and many tavernas where you can enjoy fresh fish. The rocks in Chrisopigí, where also the homonymous Monastery proudly stands, are ideal for diving. If you’d like to rest under a cool shade, head to the next beach which is surrounded by salt water loving trees. If you find yourself in Kástro, follow down the path to “Eptá Mártyres”, and enjoy a leisurely swim or unwind with a book lazing on a sun lounger.


Crete has many archaeological sites. The Minoan civilization was one of the most significant in the ancient world. The key feature of this civilization was the joy of life and the lack of a warlike disposition. Excavations in Phaistos, Knossos, Palaikastro in Siteia and elsewhere, brought to light great monuments, but mainly presented a civilization so radiant and dedicated to simple, everyday joys, that it seemed invincible.

Visit The Palace of Knossos, inhabited since Neolithic times, became a powerful commercial and political center when the legendary King Minos built his palace here in around 1900 BC. The first palace was destroyed in around 1700 BC but this seat of royalty and hub of Minoan life was quickly rebuilt. Discovered in 1878, the second palace comprises a maze of apartments, workrooms and courtyard, many with replica frescoes – originals are in Irakleio Archaeological Museum – showing Bronze Age life. Knossos is the world’s largest Minoan site.

The Palace of Knossos


Athens. The city with the most glorious history in the world, a city worshipped by gods and people, a magical city. The enchanting capital of Greece has always been a birthplace for civilization. It is the city where democracy was born and most of the wise men of ancient times. The most important civilization of ancient world flourished in Athens and relives through some of the world's most formidable buildings.

The Acropolis is nominated to be one of the 7 wonders of modern world. The Holy Rock of Acropolis dates back to the 5th BC, the famous Golden Age of Periklis. Athens met times of bloom and decline, but still shines under the Attic sky gazing the future. Still sparkling like the marbles of Parthenon and the limpid white of Pentelic marble.

It is located just a few kilometers from the port of Piraeus, the central commercial port of the capital, and the shores of southern Attica.

Athens is constantly inhabited since Neolithic Age. The 5th century was the time of its ultimate bloom, when moral values and civilization surpassed city limits and became the mother land of western civilization. In the centuries that followed, many conquerors tried to take over Athens. The city was constructed around the Acropolis walls.

Athens is a city of different aspects. A walk around the famous historic triangle (Plaka, Thission, Psyri) the old neighborhoods, reveal the coexistence of different eras. Old mansions, well-preserved ones and other worn down by time. Luxurious department stores and small intimate shops, fancy restaurants and traditional taverns. All have their place in this city.


The heart of Athens beats in Syntagma Square. Where Parliament and most of the Ministries are. Monastiraki, Kolonaki and Lycabettus Hill attract thousands of visitors all year round.

Syntagma Square

Athens and Attica in general have the most important archaeological monuments (Acropolis, Odeion of Herodes Atticus, Olymbion, Roman Market, Panathinaiko Stadium or Kallimarmaro, The temple of Poseidon in Sounio, etc). In the capital you will admire many imposing neoclassic buildings, true ornaments of the city (The Greek Parliament, Athens Academy and University, etc). Don't miss visiting the museums hosting unique treasures of our cultural inheritance (Archaeological Museum, Military Museum, Byzantine Museum, etc).

Temple of Poseidon in Sounio

Side Trips:

Cape Sounio Sunset is the best time to arrive at the 5th-century-B.C. Temple of the mythical sea God Poseidon. Perched on cliffs above Cape Sounio, the temple ruins, surrounded on three sides by sea, have stunning views out over the Aegean. It was mentioned in Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey. More recently, English Romantic poet Lord Byron visited this atmospheric spot in 1811 and inscribed his name... Más

Sunset is the best time to arrive at the 5th-century-B.C. Temple of the mythical sea God Poseidon. Perched on cliffs above Cape Sounio, the temple ruins, surrounded on three sides by sea, have stunning views out over the Aegean. It was mentioned in Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey. More recently, English Romantic poet Lord Byron visited this atmospheric spot in 1811 and inscribed his name at the base of one of the temple's Doric columns.

Corinth Canal – Mycenae – Epidaurus – Nauplia - Epidaurus - Delphi

Take a tour and after stopping to see the impressive canal of Corinth, continue to the seaside town of Nauplia for a walk, and then continue to Mycenae for a walking tour of its archaeological site. Enjoy a tour around its evocative ruins, and see the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Sanctuary of Asklepios (the shrine to the Greek god of medicine) and the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus. Next day, visit Delphi, one of the most important archeological sites in Greek history, you’ll explore the UNESCO World Heritage-listed town, home to the Temple of Apollo, and stroll around Delphi Archeological Museum. Learn all about Greek mythology and history while seeing fascinating monuments.

Apollo Temple


Itinerari: BCN - Rodas, Atenas, Meteora, Corfú, Albània - BCN


Ciudad Medieval de Rodas

És sens dubte un dels més importants atractius turístics de l'illa de Rodas i forma part del Patrimoni de la Humanitat de la UNESCO. En el seu interior ens espera el carrer dels Cavallers que ens porta fins al Palau del Gran Maestre, l'Hospital dels Cavallers (actual Museu Arqueològic de Rodas), visitem el bell port de Mandraki, el port antic i històric de la medieval Rodas i on se suposa es trobava el desaparegut Colós de Rodas i les impressionants ruïnes de la Catedral del Burgo

A més podem visitar altres petites capelles i esglésies molt interessants com són Agios Fanourios, Agios Panteleimon, Agia Ekaterini o mesquites com la de Solimán, d'Ibrahim o la del Pasá Recep. No hem de deixar de visitar la Jueria o barri jueu fins a arribar a la seva petita sinagoga Kahal Shalom. Per tot això és important repassar la Història de Rodas i conèixer als Cavallers de Sant Joan.

Passejant arribarem a una altra bella obra arquitectònica, l'Hospital dels Cavallers. Alberga el Museu Arqueològic de Rodas. Un altre edifici emblemàtic de la Ciutat medieval de Rodas és el Palau del Gran Maestre. Es troba a la part més alta del Carrer dels Cavallers. Un majestuós i luxós edifici que dóna personalitat a la ciutat de Rodas. Així arribem fins a la ciutat vella coneguda com el Burg, repleta d'antics i bells edificis. Haurem de visitar i conèixer la Font Castellana a la Plaça de Ippocratus.

Un altre dels màgics llocs de la ciutat medieval de Rodas és l'Església o Catedral Panagia tou Bourgou que és d'obligada visita. Destaca també la petita capella de Agios Fanourios, l'església de Agios Panteleimon, l'Església de Agia Ekaterini i l'Església de Panagia tou Kastro. Del barri jueu de Rodas haurem de visitar la Sinagoga Kahal Shalom per la seva bellesa i interès artístic. De la Rodas medieval otomana haurem de conèixer la Mesquita d'Ibrahim, grandiosa i la més antiga de Rodas. Un altre dels més destacats edificis otomans de la ciutat medieval és la Mesquita del Pasá Recep amb la seva bella ceràmica i els versos de l'Alcorà en el seu interior. Però sens dubte la més visitada pels viatgers, i important atractiu turístic d'aquesta illa, és la Mesquita de Solimán el Magnífic. Finalment no deixi de visitar i sopar en algun dels nostres restaurants en Rodas recomanats o aconsellats especialment a la ciutat medieval. 


Visitem la capital grega, de la qual destaquem l`Estadi Panatenaic, construït a l`emplaçament de l`estadi antic i lloc de celebració dels primers Jocs Olímpics, el 1896, de la era moderna. També visitarem l`Arc d`Adriano, la plaça Syntagma, l`actual Parlament...  Continuarem amb l`Acròpolis, “la ciutat alta”, a 156 metres sobre el nivell de mar. Està format pel temple de Nike, el temple de Atenea o Partenon i el temple de Erecteión, entre d’altres. A l`entrada d’aquest recinte monumental es troba el nou Museu de l`Acròpolis.  Continuarem cap el popular barri de Plaka ple de botigues i  terrasses. A la tarda–vespre ens traslladarem al barri marítim de Microlymano, situat en el port del Pireo, per sopar i gaudir de la vista del Golf de Saronico.

Viatgem amb tren cap a Kalambaka, on es troben els monestirs de Meteora.

És una zona espectacular plena de monestirs bizantins situats al cim de formacions de pedra i on sembla impossible poder pujar-hi.  En el seu moment de màxim esplendor hi van arribar a haver 24 monestirs actius, tot i que actualment tan sols en queden 6. Visitem alguns monestirs de Meteora: 
Grand Meteora Monastery, Moni Varlaam o Moni Agiou Stefanou. En  principi el fet d'edificar-los en llocs tan inaccessibles va ser per motius defensius. La única manera d’accedir-hi era amb un cistell que llançaven des de dalt, i les provisions eren dutes pels vil·latans. Amb el temps s'han anat construint escales i ponts gràcies als quals avui dia el lloc es pot visitar. Dins d'aquests monestirs es troben veritables tresors.


Viatgem amb bus cap a Ioannina per agafar el ferry a Corfú.

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